
Men's Clothing Allowance

10-Pants | 15-Shirts | 4-Ties

3-Hats | 3-Belts | 2-Jackets

10-Socks | 10-Underwear | 4-Shoes

2-Suits | 1-Backpack

Women's Clothing Allowance

15-Pants | 17-Shirts | 3-Jackets

3-Belts | 5-Shoes

10-Socks | 10-Underwear | 3-Bras

1-Makeup Bag | 1-Backpack | 1-Purse

Other Items

Twin Sheets



Laundry detergent

Snacks and sodas

Toiletries – Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shaving Cream, etc. 

KangVape Onee Sticks are the only nicotine product allowed

Items not permitted

Cell Phones (May have in transition)

Computers, Tablets, anything electronic

Knives or other weapons

Secular books/music

Energy supplements

Any narcotics

Anything with alcohol such as Hand sanitizer or mouthwash